The world of work connects employers, workers, governments, and regulators, but it has fundamentally changed since 2019. The upheaval caused by the pandemic, energy crisis, war, and the green transition have exposed and exacerbated fractures in the workplace, most often related to job status and opportunities for self-fulfillment. There’s disparity between what workers want and what employers want, and the tremors of ongoing change are not easing.
So where does 2023 find employers and their staff? In poor shape, according to figures from Adecco’s “Global Workforce of the Future 2022” report, which revealed that 27 percent of workers were planning to quit within a year, and 48 percent expected to be compelled to seek better paid work. Most worrying, although 44 percent of staff would stay only if their role progressed with training, 23 percent of all workers have never had a career progression discussion.
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