Competitive forces are intensifying in the B2B supply chain, increasing customer expectations for service and pricing, and creating more pressure for businesses to maintain an edge. Instead of being reactive to today’s increasingly low margins, decision makers should take advantage of the risks and use them as opportunities to speed ahead. Looking into the future, how can B2B companies adjust their business strategies to transform challenges into positive outcomes?
Viewed as primary sources of disruption, the following five areas of the supply chain should be considered unexpected paths to success in 2018:
Customer transaction management
If 20 percent of existing customers contribute to 80 percent of business, inbound sales carry the highest risk of customers switching. This means that companies must focus on protecting this relationship to maintain customer-relationship equity. Profitability is at stake when customers experience a negative selling event at the point of a transaction because it compels them to turn to a competitor. Therefore, it is crucial to understand all key customers and their specific needs.
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