Somehow, when the squirrel’s at work the grasshopper is nowhere to be found. Photo by Ilnur Kalimullin on Unsplash.
When it comes to networking, are you a squirrel or a grasshopper? From what I can tell, there are loads of grasshoppers out there but very few squirrels.
You folks know that fable about the squirrel and the grasshopper, right?
The squirrel works his butt off all summer fortifying his little tree fort, scurrying around gathering acorns, and storing his food and water like a nutjob doomsday prepper. The grasshopper goes partying, drinking margaritas, hitting the clubs, and making fun of the squirrel for wasting his entire summer.
Then Old Man Winter comes. The squirrel is fat, warm, and happy in his little nut hut bunker, eating acorns and sipping cognac by the fire. The grasshopper gets cold and hungry, then freaks out and asks the squirrel for some food. But the squirrel tells him to bug off. (See what I did there?) The grasshopper then starves due to malnutrition, poor planning, and hypothermia. I’m pretty sure that’s how the story goes.
The question I’ll ask you is, when it comes to networking, are you a squirrel or a grasshopper? Again, from what I can tell, there are loads of grasshoppers out there, but very few squirrels.
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