The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting last month saw the launch of new guidance to support the logistics industry on its journey to net-zero emissions. Davos attendees got a first glimpse into how companies can better understand and track their logistics emissions. Released by the Smart Freight Centre and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the guidance sets out to help businesses in implementing their decarbonization strategies.
This new publication highlights the usefulness and benefits of ISO 14083, a much-anticipated International Standard offering the first universal method for logistics emissions accounting. A game changer for climate action, the forthcoming standard is expected to support the industry globally in its carbon-reduction efforts.
Rules for thee and not for me....
ISO 14083 is a "much anticipated" standard? Anticipated by whom?
Many of the Davos attendees who say they care about global warming and decarbonization were responsible for over 1000 private plane flights to attend the conference. Commercial plane travel isn't good enough for these elites who want to tell the rest of how to live.
Seeing this, we're supposd to believe they really care? Please.
There's an old saying that goes something like this, "what you do speaks much louder than what you say".
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