Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich
Are you ready to be a first-time manager? Perhaps you’ve had some bad managers in the past, and you think this is your chance to do it right. Well, it is your chance to do it right. But you can’t wing it.
Research reveals that nearly 60 percent of first-time managers underperform and often end up leaving the company.
Here are six tips to start off right and avoid finding yourself alone on the edge of a precipice.
1. Approach your new role with humility. You might have an idea of what a manager does. You might have had some bad managers and think you know how to do it better. The truth is, it’s not as easy as it looks. It takes time to get it right. If you act like you always know what you’re doing, people won’t believe or trust you. You will earn much more respect by being open, asking for help when you need it, and making changes when you’re off track. Recognize that you will make mistakes (it’s inevitable), and when you do, own up to them. Be open to feedback and be willing to make adjustments.
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