As leaders face the most volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business conditions ever, one thing is clear: Talent is an organization’s most powerful and sustainable competitive advantage.
As a result, improving the talent pipeline by attracting, developing, and retaining the best possible employees is among a leader’s most fundamental priorities.
It’s an unfortunate reality, however, that the pipes we’re most familiar with—the plumbing that delivers water to our homes—operate differently than organizational talent pipelines. Whereas water begins flowing upon demand, great employees don’t rush into the building as soon as a key position becomes available.
This means that leaders must continuously have talent on their minds and in their day-to-day behaviors. Best-in-class organizations report that their leaders share four key mindsets that help to keep pipelines well-populated with top talent.
Mindset No. 1
I am in the best possible position to source new talent.
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