I have been obsessed with how to lift both myself and others in pursuit of a goal for more than 30 years. Ever since I began to play competitive cricket as an 11-year-old, the issue of how to improve performance has been an almost daily question I have asked myself.
How to bring the complete team along on the journey of change is the question that I am now continually asked. I know it keeps leaders lying awake at 3 a.m. as they wrestle and struggle with how to get their team on board with the latest change initiative. How to bring on the board the people who “resist change”? What about the ones who are “negative”? What about all the other variations in perspectives on the issues we face?
Before we get into this, we will have a brief recap.
A friend of mine, Matt Church, summarized the three roles of a leader as follows:
1. Transform fear into confidence
2. Create clarity from chaos
3. Mobilize people to move forward to a better future
Now to develop this further: How can this be put into practical use?
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