Before you can do a project well, you must first make sure it’s the right one for you at that time. A project is “right” when it moves you closer to your long-term goals, aligns well with your unique strengths, and is achievable given the resources and people you have available. Once you’ve identified the right project, you need to follow a systematic process for carrying it out.
Following a consistent process that supports your strengths as a project manager will net you high-quality results time after time. The process starts by recognizing not only your project management strengths but also your challenges. Then you need to write a project plan, a document you can use over and over again for any type of project.
Your project strengths
If you have any background in project management, you know there’s an abundance of resources available for project planning: templates, work breakdown schedules, and countless software programs. Although each of these is useful, they all miss something we at Cheetah Learning have found to be essential to project success: customization.
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