What are you intrinsically motivated to do? Isn’t it wonderful? You don’t need a good reason or reward to do what you are doing when you’re intrinsically motivated. You are in a state of flow where time flies, and you have no idea where it went. “In the zone,” you generate positive energy and creativity. Abundant research proves the glory of intrinsic motivation.
Sounds great, but chances are you face one or more of these three problems:
1. Intrinsic motivation is rare. Especially at work. How often during your day do you say, “I’d do this even if I wasn’t getting paid?”
2. If you are not intrinsically motivated, your default option is usually extrinsic motivation. That leaves you foraging for carrots (e.g., money, rewards, praise, power, status, prizes) that have been proven to have just the opposite effect as intrinsic motivation. You may experience a burst of energy, but it’s not the kind of energy that promotes creativity or well-being. And it dissipates quickly, leaving you starving for more carrots just to keep going.
3. You don’t know what you are intrinsically motivated by.
To nurture your intrinsic motivation, consider these ideas.
Oxymoronic planning
"Keep an empty space on your calendar without an expectation of how you are going to fill it." Planning to do the unplanned at a specific time seems to be counter to the premise and, to some extent, oxymoronic. I know people who tell me they love leisure travel, yet, when they go, their itinerary is scheduled as tightly as any complex military operation. To me, that is just another job.
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