enjoy the holidays because they offer time to reflect. The work world slows down for a few weeks, and you can think about what went well during the past year, what didn’t go well, how you want to grow, and what you can do to improve yourself for the year ahead. I’d like to offer a list of resolutions to get you started.
1. Take better care of yourself
I’m eminently qualified to opine on this topic after having two heart attacks in the last few years. Changing lifestyles can be a struggle. You have to overcome excuses, give up things you enjoy (sweets, naps, sitting on the couch), and put in some effort. Trust me on this, though—you’ll feel better and be more effective if you invest time and effort in taking care of yourself. Go get a physical. Know your numbers. Change your diet. Drop a few pounds (this one takes time and is a constant battle to eat right). Exercise—even if it’s only a 20-minute walk—a few times a week. I’m a convert. I won’t say this is easy. It requires dedication. That said, it’s the sum total of small acts that will make a tremendous difference over time.
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