Very few businesses today rely on push marketing alone as their strategy to ultimately produce sales. Although the larger picture of inbound marketing is proving itself effective, marketers continue to debate the relative value of content marketing vs. social media marketing. But here’s the spoiler: You need them both.
A decade ago, content marketing may have been perceived as a passing fad. But those days are long gone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 92 percent of content marketers say their organization views content as an asset.
In this article, the term content doesn’t refer to ad copy that overtly encourages audiences to buy their products and services. Although that content is perfectly relevant in the latter stages of the buyer’s journey, we’re focusing on content that engages, educates, and even entertains prospective customers.
Marketers often say that content is king. Indeed, the prominence of content as an essential element of your marketing strategy can’t be overemphasized.
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