The past two years have been tough. Many of us are feeling bogged down, burned out, and wary of what the future holds. But instead of creeping into 2022 with a sense of dread, what if you bounded into it with optimism and confidence?
Yes, there’s a way to revitalize your career, your outlook, and your mindset: Resolve to become a mentor in the upcoming year.
Most people think of mentoring as a giving exchange, but it’s really a getting exchange. It’s a reciprocal relationship in which mentors often learn as much as they teach. You might be concerned that you just don’t have the bandwidth to add one more role to your already-busy schedule this year. But the ROI in becoming a mentor is unbeatable—and the benefits will last well beyond this year.
For many high-level mentors, the monthly time commitment is typically no more than an hour of preparation and an hour to meet. Some pairs might choose to meet more often, others less.
If you still aren’t sure whether to become a mentor, read on to discover 10 surprising benefits you can expect to receive.
Mentoring can reignite your engagement
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