It takes guts to come to the heart of high tech, in San Francisco, and preach a message that is about putting people—women, no less—onto the assembly lines of America’s factories. Danielle Applestone, of Daughters of Rosie, tells the hipsters gathered at Autodesk’s Design Night that, yes, there are indeed factories in America. Just when you thought every part now being made comes off assembly lines in China, we find out that America still clings to the No. 2 spot in manufacturing.
Applestone is at Design Night, Autodesk’s semi-monthly party, to recruit for Daughters of Rosie, which she founded just this year. It’s a women-only training program, which sets up women with fully-paid, 30- to 60-day training programs at participating manufacturers. Daughters of Rosie aims to take women without jobs, without the skills in software or AI, without a degree from the nation’s top universities, or any university, and find fulfilling jobs in the manufacturing sector.
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