Last Friday’s episode of QDL was our final show of the year, and we’re leaving 2017 on a high note! We brought you two great interviews and a terrific Tech Corner, not to mention some advice on increasing your productivity in 2018. Let’s take a look:
“AIAG and VDA Release Draft of Harmonized FMEA Manual”
Chad Kymal and Greg Gruska of Omnex wrote this article detailing how the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and its German equivalent, the VDA, are working to assist suppliers.
“Want to Be More Productive in 2018? Take More Breaks.”
This item from the MIT Sloan Executive Education Innovation@Work blog offers research showing that appropriately spaced breaks in your day can supercharge your productivity.
Sandwith is the vice chair of the Coordinate Metrology Society as well as the custom projects manager for New River Kinematics. In this, our monthly CMS Corner segment, we chat with him about the call for papers ahead of CMSC 2018.
“Tech Corner: LEXT OLS 5000 Laser Confocal Microscope”
Robert Bellinger, product applications manager for the industrial microscopes division of Olympus America, joined us in the studio to chat about the company’s latest industrial microscopy product.
We’ll be back at you with our first 2018 episode of Quality Digest Live on Fri., Jan. 5, which you can watch on either our home page or our special player page. Until then, have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year!
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