Industry 4.0 has catapulted industrial production processes into new realms of advanced manufacturing, in some cases leaving quality control scrambling to catch up. The trend of industrial quality management is to implement lean and accurate production systems; however, for many enterprises, using modern technologies to do this—such as operational processing of big data and digitizing products during production—isn’t always an affordable strategy. Cost-effective solutions that combine both trends are therefore really interesting to consider.
Headquartered in Alava, Spain, with outlets in 10 countries, Innovalia Metrology has always held a consistent focus on dimensional metrology, and this has helped it stay ahead of developments in inline quality control. The company offers solutions that integrate traditional metrology with the latest technological developments, whether these be in laboratories or on production lines. It designs and manufactures coordinate measuring machines (CMMs); provides scanning systems and related software for sensor engineering and quality control; and offers accredited calibration and measurement verification.
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