(Konica Minolta: Ramsey, NJ) -- Konica Minolta Sensing Americas Inc. (KMSA), a global leader in the industrial measurement of color, light, and shape, announces the U.S. launch of its new FD-Series Spectrodensitometers for the digital imaging market.
The spectrodensitometers will come in two models, the FD-5 and FD-7. Both will be lightweight, handheld models that can measure density and color while taking into account the fluorescence of the paper substrate.
The FD-5 and FD-7 each are equipped with Konica Minolta’s original virtual fluorescence standard (VFS) technology that enables color evaluation under Illuminant D50, the standard light source used by the printing industry for color assessment. The VFS technology takes advantage of the optical, sensor, and software technology cultivated through Konica Minolta’s long experience with color measuring instruments.
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