(Action Engineering: Lakewood, CO–) -- Register today to take advantage of early pricing for the 2017 3D Collaboration & Interoperability Congress + Quality Information Framework Symposium. The 3D CIC and QIF Symposium joint event will be held Oct. 3–5, 2017, at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden, Colorado. The early registration price of $895 for this annual international event ends today, July 31, 2017. The price increases to $995 on August 1.
3D CIC focuses on CAD collaboration and interoperability for the entire product life cycle. With the 2017 theme of “UNITE: Engineering & Shop Floor Collaboration,” real users share their experiences with turning design concepts into manufacturing product reality using 3D models.
Action Engineering and the Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium are partnering to coordinate the QIF Symposium with 3D CIC. The biennial QIF Symposium, QIF Working Group meetings, and a DMSC member meeting will comprise the QIF Summit.
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