(Capture 3D: Novi, MI) -- See what’s NEW and BLUE at Capture 3D. Mark your calendar for Dec. 8. Capture 3D invites you to have lunch with its Michigan team in Novi and spend a couple of hours learning about the latest metrology technology and participate in live demos.
There are two sessions from which to choose. The required registration is quick and easy; just complete the online form.
Wednesday, Dec. 8—Choose one session
Session 1: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST
Lunch is served from Noon to 1 p.m. EST
Session 2: Noon to 3 p.m. EST
Capture 3D
40000 Grand River Ave., Ste. 404
Novi, Michigan 48375
Phone: 248-426-9001
• ATOS Triple Scan with blue-light LED technology (mobile 3-D digitizer)
• Measuring shiny and/or dark surfaces
• Scanning without reference markers or targets
• The latest in V7
• Parametric inspection
• Touch probe functionality
• Free GOM Inspect software (for inspection and mesh processing of 3D point clouds)
• VMR (Virtual Measuring Room) module for automation and robotics
If you would like to bring a part for analysis or have any special requests, feel free to e-mail catherine@capture3d.com.
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