(Laboratory Testing Inc.: Hatfield, PA) -- Six new fully-narrated high-definition videos have been produced for Laboratory Testing Inc. (LTI) of Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Each video is two to three minutes in length and covers various aspects of the company’s capabilities and services, including materials testing and failure analysis, nondestructive testing, specimen machining, calibration services and dimensional inspection, an overview of LTI, and the LTI quality program. Many LTI employees were filmed while performing testing, machining, calibration, and support services throughout the laboratory during the two workdays of filming.
The videos will benefit customers located far from LTI or with limited time to tour the laboratory. The company’s wide-range of services, state-of-the-art equipment, and capacity to handle products in all sizes, shapes, and quantities is clearly presented in the videos.
The videos are accessed from a new internet microsite that is linked to the main LTI web site. Flash versions of the videos automatically play upon accessing the microsite, but QuickTime versions can be downloaded using a link on the microsite.
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