If industrial manufacturing had a buzzword of the decade, it might be “Industry 4.0.” The concept is inescapable, yet it can be hard to define, especially for small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs). After all, SMMs’ capabilities, needs, and budgets look very different from the large companies that often drive the latest innovations and trends. However, Industry 4.0 is so pervasive that many smaller manufacturers know more about the technologies than they might think. Below, we define Industry 4.0, then explore ways that SMMs can and do implement it already.
What is Industry 4.0?
To date, there have been four major technological trends during the past few hundred years that have revolutionized industry and manufacturing. The first was the combination of mechanization with both steam and waterpower. The second joined mass production and electricity. The third was the rise of electronic and information technology (IT) systems, and with them automation.
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