Tonianne DeMaria and I run the Personal Kanban, Modus Institute, and Modus Cooperandi Corp-o-plex pretty much duo-handed. There’s a lot of work. The rules of Personal Kanban apply to us, too. We are constantly experimenting with new ways to visualize our work and limit our work-in-process (WIP).
Right now, we have five proposals out, are discussing potential work with four other organizations, are supervising another translation of Personal Kanban, have a major client with seven concurrent internal projects, are putting out a new product (coming soon!), have two other clients that require touch, a new project of Toni’s, group classes for Modus Institute to track/schedule/lead, eight conferences at which to speak or teach, and the usual biz dev/taxes/paperwork. Oh, we’re also redesigning websites, making marketing collateral, having interviews with the press, and conversations with people.
So, how do you limit your WIP when it takes a paragraph to list just the types of work out—not even the tasks.
Well, the answer is simple... ish.
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