(The Manufacturer: Commerce, CA) -- Manufacturing has come a long way from the simple assembly lines of the past. Its current implementation of digital technology has made it safer, faster, and more cost-effective. Certain sectors, particularly the food industry, have benefited from its constant advancements.
But amid all of this, one thing remains important: the satisfaction and safety of consumers. This is why product safety is such a key aspect of manufacturing. No amount of production optimization can be worth anything if it doesn’t follow consumer safety standards. This guide can serve as your introduction or refresher on why this matters.
What is product safety?
Product safety is the potential of a product to be safe for consumers. Any product placed on retail shelves should not put anyone at risk, and it should meet the standards for its intended use. This involves following established rules and guidelines on packaging, sanitation, preservation, and the like. Violation of such rules rightly subjects manufacturers to recalls or litigation.
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