Are you proactive or reactive in your work and personal life? Think about your career. Do you jump on tasks as they pop up, putting out fires as you go? Now consider your weekend. Do you wait until plans come to you, or do you make plans to ensure that you are having the kind of free time that you want with family and friends?
Much stress in life comes from not feeling in control and maintaining a state of reactivity to deal with issues and problems that arise. The good news is that there is another way! When you learn simple project management (PM) processes, you can reduce your stress load in every facet of your life. Here at Cheetah Learning, we call this “being a Cheetah.” Cheetahs don’t allow stress to control them; they strategically plan out the best route to achieve success, and they stick with it. To be a Cheetah, there are some important concepts to remember.
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