The only thing worse for companies than making bad decisions is having a deeply flawed decision-making process. Every business leader faces stressful situations that require immediate action, but the final choices can often by tainted by a destructive trio of hubris, arrogance, and denial.
Left unchecked, an environment affected by these harmful influencers will produce an urgency that leads to sudden fell-swoop decisions. This course of action is a symptom of an almost primordial fight-or-flight instinct to deal with a threatening situation in a way that provides immediate relief and a sense of security. It can initially deliver immediate gratification but can be dangerous to an organization in the long term.
Over time, the results of these panic-fuelled choices can even lead to an implosive force that destroys a company from the inside out. The key to preventing a potential disaster is to recognize that we are all susceptible to these negative influences, remain awake to reality, and refuse to be HAD.
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Your article is excellent because it utilizes universal truths applicable in form well beyond a business environment. So much of what you have portrayed is a picture of our present big federal government. Arrogance, hubris, seeking short-term gain at the expense of long term rewards, ignoring root causes, ignoring customers, and the attitude that someone else is responsible for what everyone should be responsible are all human failings and we all should know that human nature just doesn't change unless totally renewed.
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