When investigating a statistical process control (SPC) system, it can be difficult to build a business case for it. As a quality engineer, the value in having easy access to data seems obvious, but this can be a hard sell to an organization focused on cost and payback opportunities for capital projects. There are a number of ways an SPC system can be used to drive improvement and reduce costs.
Look in these areas to identify and then make the business case for an SPC system.
Incoming raw materials and supplies. Incoming inspection of raw materials data can be valuable in determining the best suppliers. However, in a paper-based system, the data are difficult to analyze. An SPC system can be used to quickly document the inspections and be available for analysis of the data.
When the data are available for analysis, they can be leveraged with the various raw material suppliers to drive both quality and cost improvements.
Compliance. An SPC system can be used to evaluate and improve compliance to procedures. As with raw material data, an SPC system can help to quickly evaluate compliance to procedures.
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