In recognition of the early and ongoing success of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Project, the U.S. leaders in the international project received one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) top 2012 Project Management Awards—the Secretary’s Achievement Award. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory played leading roles in the experiment, from planning the scientific mission to helping build the detectors.
The award recognizes the national labs for overcoming “management challenges associated with working in a multicultural collaboration at a foreign location to successfully deliver the U.S. contributions.” The DOE press release goes on to note that the experiment, which includes Brookhaven Lab’s Steve Kettell as chief scientist, was able to publish precise measurements after just two months of operation, an achievement that “would not have been possible without the keen insight, dedication, and professionalism of the United States Daya Bay project team.”
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