How unique is unique? The answer to this riddle is central in determining which work breakdown structure (WBS) methodology most accurately explains project deliverables and how they should be estimated, controlled, and completed. The quality strategy used to segregate and decompose WBS deliverables can be based on any number of characteristics of the product or project including time phases, functional phases, final deliverables, incremental deliverables, or by subproject (which may have a portion of each characteristic.) Complex engineer-to-order (ETO) products characterize the most unique WBS quality strategies.
WBS deliverable structure
The term “engineer to order” itself is indicative of a product with a unique design, a process in which the design, procurement, development, and production phases will run concurrently or have some overlap. It is for these reasons that complex ETO products require a work breakdown structure based on a hierarchy of deliverables that mirrors the product breakdown structure. This structure naturally establishes a chronological schedule of events for each task as the WBS deliverables and work packages are decomposed.
This was a very helpful example. I'm currently on a project that has product component deliverables, but that also has a large functional work package at the beginning that is a pre-req for every component deliverable down the line. In other words, every activity of the functional work package at the top repeats in each component deliverable.
The modular house graphic was a great visual aid.
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