“Hola. ¿Qué tal?”
“Bien. ¿ y tu?”
Paul and I were 16 years old and had taken Spanish for a year. We called each other every night on the phone and spoke to each other in our new language. More than anything, we wanted to test our skill with a real Spanish-speaking person, but we did not know anyone. Then we got the idea to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant. For two boys who had never dined out without their parents, this was a big adventure. We were so motivated that when we made reservations, we asked to be seated with a waiter who could not speak English.
What motivated us? Knowledge. We made the same discovery that led Sir Francis Bacon to make his famous quote in 1597, “Knowledge is power.” We were empowered by what we had learned, and it gave us the confidence to take a risk we would never have taken before.
By the end of dinner we found out we didn’t know nearly as much as we thought we did, but more important was that our knowledge, albeit meager, moved us to action.
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