There once was a man named Robert DeRopp who wrote a book titled The Master Game (Gateways Books, 2003). No need to discuss his book or his philosophy here, other than to say it had to do with the shaping of one’s life and options through a lens few of us have ever looked through before.
However, it brings to mind a question many people have asked me about the entrepreneurial genius of Steve Jobs. What did he know that the rest of us didn’t? My answer was that Jobs didn’t actually know more than the rest of us; he simply cared more.
I believe that’s the heart of choice—caring more, not just doing more. And, certainly, not just doing something different than what you’re doing today.
So the subject then becomes, what does “caring more” mean? What does it look like, and how does it reveal itself?
In my work with entrepreneurs and small-business owners, caring more is a huge conversation, in that most of my clients and students over the years were confused about what caring meant and how it related to what they were doing in their work.
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