All employees are unique as to what drives them to do their best and excel in their profession. Most work as expected, but the motivated employee will go to great lengths to exceed expectations. The key is for managers to discover what truly drives people. Once their motivation is understood, leaders have the power to get the most out of their employees.
Managers often feel there is no need to motivate their employees as long as the pay is fair. Yet research has demonstrated that the majority of personal motivation is based on a host of other significant factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, personal growth, and advancement. Compensation (e.g., wage, health plan, benefits) is certainly a motivating factor, but many employees perceive compensation as a level of worth and how they are recognized within the organization. A poorly designed compensation plan doesn’t reflect employees’ individual achievements, and it will cause them to feel unappreciated.
X equals Y
If managers would look at their employees just the same as at themselves, no rule-of-thumb would be required. Modern management styles still remind the Spartans' hierarchy, where there were the Hilotes, the slaves, those who had - and still have - no "civil" right. Thank you.
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