The 2022 theme for World Quality Week, an annual campaign presented by the U.K.’s Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) and International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA), was “Quality Conscience: Doing the Right Thing.” Working in quality often requires us to make tough calls and stand up for safety and integrity—even when it has a financial impact or when others disagree.
Collectively, we’re in an accelerated space of personal and collective transformation, one where our contributions to quality matter even more. Our work patterns and habits have shifted dramatically since 2020, world economies are being affected by conflicts and wars, and entire industries are being disrupted by layoffs and changes in ownership. Meanwhile, the climate is still changing, and extreme events are increasing in frequency and intensity. What can you do?
Quality Consicousness
Fantastic awakening ! Congratulations to the author in bringing out suttleties of consciousness and conscience in relation to Quality. Ultimately everything boils down to both the suttle elements without which our work will be meaningless.
Would like to thank CQI for framing the tagline for Quality month "Quality Conscience : Doing the right thing".
Sriram (Head Quality, Ace Designers Ltd., Bangalore, India)
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