The Automotive Industry Action Group has announced that it will cancel next year’s Auto Tech trade show. The next AutoTech won’t be held until May 2007, and the venue has yet to been announced.“To avoid overlap with other automotive events, AIAG has determined that May would be a better month to hold AutoTech, and a new, state-of-the-art venue was selected for the conference, but it is unavailable in 2006,” says J. Scot Sharland, AIAG executive director. “In the meantime, AIAG will be upgrading and increasing the number of informational and educational town halls, conferences, seminars, sessions and summits held throughout 2006 for each of AIAG’s key areas: collaborative engineering, electronic commerce, materials management, quality, occupational health and safety, and truck and heavy equipment.”
The Awards Dinner for 2005 recipients will he held in April or May, at a venue to be announced.
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