BSI Management Systems America Inc. (BSI) recently achieved accreditation to ISO 14065 for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission verification services by the American National Standards Institute, placing the former amongst few recognized GHG emission verification and reduction assertions bodies in the Americas, according to a company statement.
Independent verification of GHG assertions provides assurance that GHG emissions monitoring, measuring, and inventory are properly managed and accounted for at the organizational or facility level against governing regional or international standards. A verified GHG emission inventory demonstrates that companies are effectively and diligently managing and monitoring their energy consumption and associated GHG emissions.
In his budget for the 2010 fiscal year, President Obama declared the intention to establish a cap on GHG emissions, requiring organizations to inventory and report emissions, and to acquire and trade the necessary emissions allowances, according to BSI.
“The EPA [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] estimates that U.S. industry will spend some $160 million in the first year of implementation of this [cap and trade] system, and another $127 million annually after that,” says BSI’s business sustainability product manager, Wilhelm Wang.
In the operational perspective, companies will just have to implement a GHG inventory management system, Wang adds.
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