H. James Harrington has been awarded the Simon Collier Quality Award by the Los Angeles section of the American Society for Quality. The award will be presented at a November 14 dinner meeting at the Holiday Inn Torrance Gateway in Torrance, California. Harrington will be honored for his outstanding accomplishments in organizing, promoting, and improving quality programs.
Harrington is a world leader in business performance improvement and the chief executive officer for the Harrington Institute and Harrington Middle East. He serves as a quality advisor to China and the U.S. government and is the author of numerous books and publications. He served for 10 years as an A-level member of ISO/TC 176 (the technical committee responsible for the ISO 9001 series of standards) and ISO/TC 207 (the technical committee responsible for writing the ISO 14001 environmental standards). The New York Times has said Harrington has a knack…”for synthesis and an open mind for packaging his knowledge and experience in new ways, characteristics that … matter more … for new-economy success than technical wizardry.”
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