(SME: Dearborn, MI) -- American actor and humorist Will Rogers once said, “A man only learns in two ways—one by reading and the other by association with smarter people.” Combining both those methods at its award-winning Manufacturing is Cool website, the SME Education Foundation seeks to introduce curious and creative young people to the world of modern manufacturing and the high-paying careers it offers. Recently, the foundation expanded and enhanced the site by using popular culture for entertainment value and the respected resources of some very smart people to get the message across.
A general lack of understanding about what a career in manufacturing really involves, how it supports the world in which we live, and why it is relevant has made it difficult to convince kids, parents, and teachers that manufacturing is a smart choice for a career. Throughout history, manufacturing has been the backbone of any strong nation. Without a strong and vibrant manufacturing base, the U.S. economy will continue to weaken over time. At the moment we’re well advanced on that downward spiral, and there is an urgent need to turn it around.
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