Representatives from 14 countries, along with Alan Bryden, ISO’s secretary-general, met in Kazakhstan last month for the 25th session of the Interstate Council of the Euro-Asian Standardization Cooperation.
Bryden delivered a speech on “International Standards in the Global Economy” and gave a joint press conference with the EASC’s chairman and president of KAZMEMST, Kazakhstan’s committee for standardization, metrology and certification. The group has been Kazakhstan’s ISO representative since 1994.
Bryden encouraged Kazakhstan’s public authorities and economic leaders to increase their participation in international standardization, which would increase their country’s economic competitiveness and development. He welcomed Kazakhstan’s current projects to adjust its legal framework for technical regulations, as well as its initiative to build up the country’s infrastructure and promote quality in goods and services. Bryden hopes these efforts will improve the case for Kazakhstan to eventually join the World Trade Organization.
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