(LEI: Cambridge, MA) -- The Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), a nonprofit education, publishing, research, and conference organization, will run a program of 11 lean management workshops in Atlanta, Oct. 18–20, 2011, in one of LEI’s biggest and broadest lean learning sessions of the year.
The training event will feature workshops on how to develop lean management systems, cultures, and behaviors. Other workshops will help managers apply lean tools to manufacturing, job shops, services, information technology, and product development.
The workshop schedule is:
• Oct. 18: Lean IT—Lean Product Development—Managing to Learn: The Use of the A3 Management Process—Value-Stream Mapping for the Office and Service
• Oct. 19: Developing People with Capability for Lean—Improving Production in a High Mix/Low Volume Company—Managing Value-Stream Improvement
• Oct. 20: Coaching Skills for Lean Implementation Leaders—Management Standard Work—Managing Made-to-Order Organizations—Optimizing Flow in Office and Service Processes
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