(Jossey-Bass: San Francisco) -- Attend this online conference series of five interactive sessions and find out how to drive organizational value by transforming the practice of management and the role of the manager. Presenters include London Business School professor Julian Birkinshaw, University of Southern California professors Ed Lawler and Chris Worley, Towers-Watson management consultants Thomas O. Davenport and Stephen Harding, and leadership and management consultant Steve Denning.
Who should attend?
• Senior executives and managers
• MBA and executive education students and professors
• HR professionals and consultants
• Management consultants
Register here. Use the early-bird discount code JBEB2 and receive 20-percent off series fee if you register by March 15, 2012.
Program at a glance
All sessions will start at 9 a.m. PDT (12 p.m. EDT, 4 p.m. GMT).
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