(Modus Cooperandi: Seattle) -- You asked for it, and Modus listened. On April 12 Modus Cooperandi announced the launch of the first personal kanban iPhone application, iKan.
When Modus set out to build it, they decided to focus on a few key features:
Small screen, many tasks—Wanting to make the best use of the screen real estate on the iPhone, Modus built the application vertically.
KISS—Modus wanted the initial release to be extremely basic. Future updates will respond to the user’s needs, and additional features will be based on user input. So please keep Modus posted as to the direction you would like to see iKan take. They already have a long list of upgrades in their pipeline, but are primarily interested in how you are actually using the application.
Use your data—Integration with other popular time- and backlog-management tools. This first version provides importation from Zen project management software; but only your data can be imported. If you import a project from Zen, you will bring that project’s value stream with it.
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