(RABQSA: Sydney, Australia) -- RABQSA International Inc. is officially launching the Australian Pork Industry’s Moisture Infused Pork (MIP) Food Safety Auditor Scope, developed in liaison with industry and Australian Pork Limited (APL).
“Australian Pork Limited is leading the way in using the RABQSA competency-based food safety auditor certification scheme (CBFSA) for our moisture infused pork scope of certification,” says Andrew Spencer, APL CEO. “This program assures food safety and product safety and quality by encompassing all manufacturing and storage aspects of moisture infused (MI) pork production.
“The MIP scope has been added to the CBFSA scheme to provide confidence to industry that RABQSA-certified auditors, working with the MIP Standards, have the appropriate competencies, ensuring the requirements are being achieved, Spencer goes on. “The final result is a certified pork product of high quality and safety delivered to the consumer.”
“This program provides a high level of customer satisfaction and confidence in the product safety and integrity through all stages of production to the final customer, says John Koschel, quality assurance manager of QAF Meat Industries, a pork producer and processor.
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