(TBM Consulting Group: Durham, North Carolina) -- TBM Consulting Group, a provider of business improvement services for the manufacturing and service sectors, presented to WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. the fourth annual Perfect Engine award, recognizing the company’s commitment to a continuous improvement philosophy carried out through its lean culture and kaizen methodology. WIKA manufactures pressure and temperature instrumentation.
“The Perfect Engine” refers to the precision interworking of human resources and physical assets to achieve outstanding productivity results that create business agility, growth and profitability. It’s also the title of a book by Anand Sharma, TBM Consulting Group’s CEO, who has consulted with hundreds of companies worldwide in implementing the Toyota business system.This annual award honors a manufacturer that has been mostly successful in implementing LeanSigma methodologies, the fusion of the two most powerful business systems from Toyota (lean) and GE (Six Sigma), throughout the entire organization and throughout its value chain. Sharma presented the award to Michael Gerster, president of WIKA Instrument Corp., at the 14th annual Executive Exchange in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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