Delcam has launched the first version of its PowerINSPECT inspection software for use on 64-bit computers. Other enhancements in the 2011 R2 version include improved visualization of the results, easier creation of automated inspection routines, full integration of digital read-out (DRO) functionality and support for the latest Renishaw probes.
PowerINSPECT is firmly established as the world’s leading hardware-independent inspection software. It combines the ability to work with all types of inspection devices with a comprehensive range of inspection routines for making simple measurements, for inspecting geometric features, and for checking complex surfaces. The resulting reports present detailed information in easy-to-read formats that can be understood by all engineers, not just inspection specialists.
The introduction of support for 64-bit computers will enable increased memory use on that hardware. This will be of benefit for more memory-intensive applications where larger CAD files need to be manipulated, especially for very complex parts and multicomponent assemblies.
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