Credit: Don Sniegowski
The toughest part of being in a relationship is finding a perfect gift for your loved one. Gifting is an essential part of any relationship. You gift your better half for every reason and every season. Gift as a form of bribery in love is a time-tried tool.
Being a system believer, I use the process-based management system approach in ISO 9001 and plan-do-check-act (PDCA) methodology every time I need to find a perfect gift for my boyfriend. From dating to being in a relationship, from finding the right place for the perfect date to ordering the perfect food, ISO 9001 and PDCA have been very useful tools. In this light, PDCA has become my secret strategy for planning my perfect moment with my perfect guy, and to make it the most memorable one. ISO 9001’s PDCA has been my guiding light, just like the green light from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.
Interesting application of PDCA Anjalika. It looks like the Plan stage is just as risky in dating as in business.
Risk Vs Preventive Action
Thank you Peter for your comment. Yes, it is true, and good thing that ISO 9001 got updated from 2008 to 2015 keeping in mind that Risk Assesmment is important at every stage and not just the Plan stage of the PDCA cycle. No more Preventive Action!!!!!
Plan Stage
I agree. Peter with you too. Anjalika has brought out the PDCA cycle very humorously! Very good.
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