(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) -- Far from the Factory: Lean for the Information Age (CRC Press, 2010) delivers the tools and techniques needed to adapt lean manufacturing concepts of waste, value, and continuous flow to the technology-rich, service-oriented office. Today most of the work-to-be-done flows through our information systems bite by bite. This means that the traditional types of waste you find in the factory are not the types of waste you find in the modern office.
The wasteland for the knowledge worker consists of waste of e-mail, waste of excess complexity and process, waste of reporting, waste of multitasking, and others. Effective access, development, and exchange of information are the most critical factors affecting the result of knowledge workers’ efforts. This reference explains how to create an environment where these workers will not only solve problems faster but also become more efficient in using information and knowledge to make decisions.
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