(ASQ: Milwaukee) -- While athletes from around the world prepared to spotlight their exceptional physical skills in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, behind the scenes Olympic coaches are taking a new approach to building a winning performance. They’re turning to business improvement methods that have led to success for major companies like Boeing and Toyota, according to the Quarterly Quality Report from the American Society for Quality (ASQ).
At the Olympic level, where differences between first place and middle of the pack can be razor thin, competitors are looking for anything that can give them an edge. That’s the benefit of a business approach to managing processes and supporting the training, conditioning, and preparation of individual athletes and teams.
“A synergy exists between business and athletes,” said Michael Nichols, chairman of ASQ. “Obviously preparing Olympians doesn’t require an assembly line approach, but the same types of goal-setting and measurement tracking methods used in manufacturing and other industries can help spur athletes to optimum performance.”
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