(Utah State University: Logan, UT) -- See and experience firsthand what is at the heart of the lean business model in Japan through a series of plant tours, workshops, and networking with peers, Sept. 10–18. This will truly be a life- and career-changing trip. Implement just 10 percent of what you see and receive a tenfold return on investment. The trip will be fast paced, but without travel worries as guides and translators will escort attendees to buses, bullet trains, hotels, and plant tours.
Why this trip?
Norman Bodek—First, the trip is being led by Norman Bodek, an influential lean sensei that helped introduce lean to the West. Bodek has traveled to Japan 74 times and made personal friendships with Toyota legends Shingo Shigeo and Taichi Ohno. Bodek’s insights during sessions, group discussions, and tours will provide an unparalleled look through the eyes of a lean master.
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