(Gemba Research: Mukilteo, WA) -- Don’t miss the next Japan Kaikaku Experience, a best-practice benchmarking tour of lean manufacturing companies in Japan. This is a full-immersion experience in lean culture. The kaikaku tour is designed to open your eyes, broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding of lean practices, and ultimately transform your attitudes about what is possible through kaizen (i.e., continuous improvement).
During the past 60 years, Japanese industry adopted the ideas of Henry Ford, W. Edwards Deming, and others much more thoroughly and rapidly than most Western countries. For a country with such a small land mass, there are an amazing number of world-class companies. This, combined with the excellent high-speed rail and transport system, makes a kaizen tour within Japan an excellent learning opportunity.
2011 tour dates:
• April 17–23
• July 31–Aug. 6
• Oct. 23–29
Learn directly from the source
Each day the tour will visit companies that have spent up to 40 years on the lean journey. They will share the success secrets they have learned. Each evening, tour members review and discuss how the techniques apply to them. Opportunities abound to meet and learn from people who built the Toyota Production System, including a 40-year veteran of Toyota who designed and ran the Lexus assembly factory.
Brad Schmidt, a lean consultant since 1998 who works in Gemba Research’s Tokyo office, will lead the tours along with the local gemba team. Smith was born and raised in Japan and is fluent in both English and Japanese. Having implemented lean in both cultures, he can provide tour members with insight and an unforgettable, enriching experience.
Gemba Research’s bilingual staff based in Japan has developed relationships with more than 100 companies, allowing the company to flexibly design a variety of learning experiences. It has conducted more than 80 successful lean study missions to Japan.
The cost is $6,500 per person, which includes all expenses while in Japan. Airfare to and from Japan is not included.
Register online or e-mail Gemba Research at jke@gemba.com for more details about the tour. Contact Gemba Research about private tours, small group seminars, and flexible schedule options.
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