(Avery Point Group: Atlanta) -- According to an annual study by executive search firm The Avery Point Group, there are increasing signs that lean and Six Sigma are finally achieving parity in the job market.“Trends in industry are often telegraphed into candidate requirements in job postings, and they can serve as a window into the latest corporate initiatives,” says Tim Noble, managing principal of The Avery Point Group. “Our annual study continues to offer useful insight into the latest trends taking place in the area of corporate continuous improvement.”
In its third-annual sampling of internet job postings, The Avery Point Group found that Six Sigma no longer outpaces lean by a wide margin when it comes to desired skill sets, as was found in its two previous annual studies. Demand for lean talent has grown in the past year to almost equal that of Six Sigma. The growth in interest in lean talent has not, however, come at the expense of Six Sigma; rather the study shows an overall increased demand for continuous improvement talent utilizing both of these skill sets.
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