Two new advanced laboratory buildings for high-precision science and measurements have officially opened in Boulder, Colorado, providing upgraded facilities to support technology innovation and economic growth as well as the training of future scientists.
Federal, state, and local government officials, university leaders, and Nobel laureates were among those attending the April 13, 2012, dedication ceremonies and tours at the new Precision Measurement Laboratory (PML) on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) campus in Boulder and at the new X-Wing at JILA, a joint interdisciplinary institute of the University of Colorado (CU) at Boulder and NIST for research and graduate education in the physical sciences. JILA, formerly known as the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, is located on the CU-Boulder campus.
The Precision Measurement Laboratory at the NIST facility in Boulder, Colorado. Credit: Copyright Christina Kiffney Photography
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