Alka Jarvis, Cisco Systems manager of software quality, will likely replace John E. "Jack" West as the chair of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to TC 176. West is stepping down after nine years of leading the committee and Jarvis is the only person nominated for the position. Nominations close November 7, 2005. At its last plenary session, the U.S. TAG recognized five of its members with professional achievement awards. Morgan Hall was recognized for his work on the TC 176 official interpretations process, Alka Jarvis was awarded for her work on ISO’s international survey of ISO 9001 users, Craig Johnson was awarded for his revisions to ISO 9001, Dan Harper was recognized for his work on SC 3 (the TAG subcommittee helping draft standards on customer satisfaction) and Lorri Hunt was recognized for her help in developing some of the TAG’s internal processes.
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